January 2020

We made it to 2020: a brand new year with all sorts of opportunities! Thanks for subscribing to the monthly M&P newsletter. I'm available to answer any questions you may have or hear any issues you want to bring to M&P's attention and I look forward to working with you to bring greater transparency!

Autumn Reed, M&P Secretary

January Board Meeting Highlights:
Samantha Johnson, M&P VP and Chair of the Membership Outreach committee is working on gathering proposals from multiple companies to upgrade our (opt-in only) member website which she hopes will be completed by the end of March.

We all agree that each member involved in any matters where representation is needed will receive individual representation. If you would like an M&P Board member to represent your interests in a grievance, discipline matter, etc., please reach out to our Board members and someone will be there. If you have a preference, reach out to that person directly.

Negotiations begin next year! We'll be sending out member surveys to employees who have opted-in to better understand the hierarchy of needs when it comes to what you value and prioritize for you and your family.

January Board Meeting minutes can be found on the (opt-in only) M&P website.
If you are a member who has opted-in, don't forget to sign up for an M&P email address (@spokanecitymp.org). Anything sent on the city servers or to and from your City email account (@spokanecity.org) is subject to public records requests. You can register here. Someone will verify your membership status and grant you access, if applicable.
You can invoke your Weingarten rights at any point your Supervisor, Manager, or Director seeks to obtain information which could be used as a basis for discipline.
Have an idea for the newsletter? Drop me a line at areed@spokanecitymp.org