The Managerial and Professional Association (M&P) represents approximately 340 employees working for the City of Spokane in a variety of roles requiring management skills and/or professional training and licensing. M&P is not affiliated with any local or union, but is a volunteer Association operating as a labor unit. It is composed of two separate employee groups, M&P A and M&P B. M&P A employees are exempt from Civil Service, but M&P B employees are included in Civil Service. Each unit has its own contract. The Association is governed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 5 Directors. The Board operates under the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws as well as the general guidance of the Robert’s Rules of Order.

Mission and Priorities

Mission: Represent M&P employees forcefully and effectively in negotiations with the City for wages, hours, and working conditions.

Priorities: Improve M&P Association status as a valued and respected bargaining group and encourage member participation.